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Study/Machine&Deep Learning

[ML] 기본적인 Machine Learning의 용어와 개념

by graygreat 2018. 5. 4.

What is ML?

- 개발자들이 일일이 프로그래밍 하지말고 어떤 자료 또는 현상에서 자동으로 배우면 어떨까?

- 개발자가 일일이 정하지 않고 이 프로그램 자체가 어떤 데이터를 보고 학습해서 무언가를 배우는 능력을 가지는 것이 머신러닝이다. 

Supervised / Unsupervised learniang

● Supervised Learning

- learning with labeled examples - training set

- Most common problem type in ML

-> Image labeling : learning from tagged images

-> Email spam filter : learning from labeled (spam or ham) email

-> Predicting exam score : learning from previous exam score and time spent

● Unsupervised learning : un-labeled data

- Google news grouping

- Word clustering

Types of supervised learning

● Predicting final exam score based on time spent

- regression

● Pass/non-pass based on time spent

- binary classification

● Letter grade (A, B, C, D and F) based on time spent

- multi-label classfication

